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Dynam BF109 (PNP, w/o Tx, Rx, battery and Charger)
от 7 до 10 дней до Уфы
- Wingspan: 50 inches / 1270mm
- Overall Length: 45.78 inches / 1110mm
- Flying Weight: 51.14oz /1450g w/Battery
- Motor Size: 3720 (500kv) outrunner brushless motors (installed)
- Propeller: 13 x 7 x 3 - included
- Radio / Transmitter NOT INCLUDED (requeires 5ch radio - not included)
- Servos: 4 servos installed ( 4 x 9g)
- Speed Control : Dynam Pro 40A Brushless with Switch-Mode BEC (installed)
- Battery: NOT INCLUDED -requires a 2200 14.8v
- Charger: NOT INCLUDED - requires a 4S lipo charger (not icnluded)
- Flight Times Average (6-10 mins)
- Assembly Time 45min
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